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FlowPilot is an Unreal Engine code plugin that allows simple, modular and extensible gameplay flow creation. Using a data driven approach you can create gameplay very easily by re-using existing Tasks or FlowPilot Assets entirely. Provided with a custom FlowPilotEditor, making new sequences, interactive objects or scripted scenes is a breeze!


  • Simple FlowPilotTask can be created in Blueprint and C++
  • FlowPilotComponent controls FlowPilot Execution and is fully exposed to Blueprint.
  • Re-usability at its core with modular data-driven approach
  • Re-use identical flows by grouping them into another FlowPilot Asset
  • Easily find actors in the level or at runtime via GameplayTags
  • Prefetch actors for fast and efficient access with caching handled by FlowPilotSystemComponent
  • Debugging Tools: CPU Profiling in code, Visual Logs, and ScopedCycles to stay on top of Performance
  • FlowPilot Editor makes it a breeze to quickly edit your flows
  • Included FlowPilotTasks will have you going in no time
  • Automatic Spawned Actor lifetime management



Need help? The best place to get some help is on Discord, where you can meet fellow devs who help each other out. You can request features and raise issues there too.

Alternatively, you can drop me an email [michael.adaixo@gmail.com] or contact me on Twitter/X